Rory Primrose

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Supporting scopes with xUnit ILogger

Posted on March 25, 2019

I posted previously about a package I put together to easily support rendering ILogger messages to the xUnit test output. This package now supports rendering logging scopes thanks to a pull request by Sebastian Weber.

Here are some samples from the package unit tests to demonstrate how the log output looks.

namespace Divergic.Logging.Xunit.UnitTests
    using System;
    using global::Xunit;
    using global::Xunit.Abstractions;
    using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
    using ModelBuilder;

    public class ScenarioTests
        private readonly ITestOutputHelper _output;

        public ScenarioTests(ITestOutputHelper output)
            _output = output;

        public void TestOutputWritesMessagesInContextOfScopes()
            var sut = _output.BuildLogger();

            sut.LogCritical("Writing critical message");
            sut.LogDebug("Writing debug message");
            sut.LogError("Writing error message");
            sut.LogInformation("Writing information message");
            sut.LogTrace("Writing trace message");
            sut.LogWarning("Writing warning message");

            using (sut.BeginScope("First scope"))
                sut.LogInformation("Inside first scope");

                using (sut.BeginScope("Second scope"))
                    sut.LogInformation("Inside second scope");

                sut.LogInformation("After second scope");

            sut.LogInformation("After first scope");

        public void TestOutputWritesScopeBoundariesUsingObjects()
            var sut = _output.BuildLogger();

            sut.LogCritical("Writing critical message");
            sut.LogDebug("Writing debug message");
            sut.LogError("Writing error message");
            sut.LogInformation("Writing information message");
            sut.LogTrace("Writing trace message");
            sut.LogWarning("Writing warning message");

            var firstPerson = Model.Create<Person>();

            using (sut.BeginScope(firstPerson))
                sut.LogInformation("Inside first scope");

                var secondPerson = Model.Create<Person>();

                using (sut.BeginScope(secondPerson))
                    sut.LogInformation("Inside second scope");

                sut.LogInformation("After second scope");

            sut.LogInformation("After first scope");

        public void TestOutputWritesScopeBoundariesUsingValueTypes()
            var sut = _output.BuildLogger();

            sut.LogCritical("Writing critical message");
            sut.LogDebug("Writing debug message");
            sut.LogError("Writing error message");
            sut.LogInformation("Writing information message");
            sut.LogTrace("Writing trace message");
            sut.LogWarning("Writing warning message");

            using (sut.BeginScope(Guid.NewGuid()))
                sut.LogInformation("Inside first scope");

                using (sut.BeginScope(Environment.TickCount))
                    sut.LogInformation("Inside second scope");

                sut.LogInformation("After second scope");

            sut.LogInformation("After first scope");

        private class Person
            public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }

            public string Email { get; set; }

            public string FirstName { get; set; }

            public string LastName { get; set; }

These tests render the following in the xUnit test results.


Critical [0]: Writing critical message
Debug [0]: Writing debug message
Error [0]: Writing error message
Information [0]: Writing information message
Trace [0]: Writing trace message
Warning [0]: Writing warning message
<Scope: First scope>
   Information [0]: Inside first scope
   <Scope: Second scope>
      Information [0]: Inside second scope
   </Scope: Second scope>
   Information [0]: After second scope
</Scope: First scope>
Information [0]: After first scope


Critical [0]: Writing critical message
Debug [0]: Writing debug message
Error [0]: Writing error message
Information [0]: Writing information message
Trace [0]: Writing trace message
Warning [0]: Writing warning message
<Scope 1>
   Scope data: 
     "DateOfBirth": "1921-12-23T05:01:30.9001221Z",
     "Email": "[email protected]",
     "FirstName": "Kane",
     "LastName": "Bettis"
   Information [0]: Inside first scope
   <Scope 2>
      Scope data: 
        "DateOfBirth": "1941-01-08T17:14:30.9521921Z",
        "Email": "[email protected]",
        "FirstName": "Carlyn",
        "LastName": "Edwinson"
      Information [0]: Inside second scope
   </Scope 2>
   Information [0]: After second scope
</Scope 1>
Information [0]: After first scope


Critical [0]: Writing critical message
Debug [0]: Writing debug message
Error [0]: Writing error message
Information [0]: Writing information message
Trace [0]: Writing trace message
Warning [0]: Writing warning message
<Scope: f220f378-8301-441a-8199-f7b8d2acfec6>
   Information [0]: Inside first scope
   <Scope: 490797234>
      Information [0]: Inside second scope
   </Scope: 490797234>
   Information [0]: After second scope
</Scope: f220f378-8301-441a-8199-f7b8d2acfec6>
Information [0]: After first scope

You can grab the NuGet package from here.